
Natural History

15 results found

AGLIO (Giuseppe). Dissertazione Storico-Naturale i... (1772)

AGLIO (Giuseppe). Dissertazione Storico-Naturale intorno al far nascere ed allevare due volte almeno dentro dell'anno anco nella Provincia Cremonese i Bachi da Seta provenienti ancora dall'uova dei Bozzoli flosci.  
In Milano, appresso Giuseppe Galeazzi Regio Stampatore, 1772.
  Contemporary flexible half-vellum. (ref.49241)

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First Edition of this small volume describing a new method ... more

ARIAS MONTANO (Benito). Naturae Historia, prima in... (1601)
Arias Montano, forerunner of Linnaeus and Torricelli  

ARIAS MONTANO (Benito). Naturae Historia, prima in Magni Operis Corpore pars.  
Antverpiae, ex Officina Plantiniana, 1601.
  Contemporary vellum, title inscribed at a later date in ink on the spine. (ref.109036)

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First Edition. Important work of the Spanish humanist Benito Arias ... more

BONNET (Charles). Essai Analytique sur les Faculté... (1760)

BONNET (Charles). Essai Analytique sur les Facultés de l'Ame.  
Copenhague, Frères Philibert, 1760.
  Half-calf, spine gilt (contemporary binding). (ref.98102)

book available

First Edition of this work of the swiss naturalist Charles ... more

BREUNINGER (F. W.). Fons Danubii primus et natural... (1719)

BREUNINGER (F. W.). Fons Danubii primus et naturalis oder : die UrQuelle des Welt-berühmten Donau-Stromes, welche in dem Herzogthum Würtemberg, und nicht zu Don-Eschingen, wie bißhero darvor gehalten worden, zu seyn gründlich behauptet wird ; Mit einer Vorrede  
In Verlegung des Authoris ; Tübingen : Hiob Francken, 1719.
  Half vellum, handwritten title on the spine (old binding). (ref.67987)

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First edition illustrated with a fold-out engraved map. ... more

CAPPELLA (Prospero). Odarum Libri VI et Epodon I. (1682)
With scientific poems  

CAPPELLA (Prospero). Odarum Libri VI et Epodon I.  
Neapoli, apud Castaldum, 1682.
  Full contemporary calf, ornamented spine (worn). (ref.108619)

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First Edition printed in Naples of this small volume of ... more


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