The Catalogue "Eurêka"
This week the bookstore has launched a new thematic catalogue. In this occasion by the title “Eureka” we have grouped a selection of 117 antiquarian books and documents related to scientific discoveries and technical inventions, published between 1516 and 1911. Among them we can highlight some books of importance for their bibliographic rarity and the scientific relevance of their content:

- the first monograph on an invertebrate (Malpighi, 1669)
- the only edition of the first description of the “graphometer”, carried out by its inventor (Danfrie, 1597)
- the brochure where for the first time a theoretical solution for colour photography is exposed (Cros, 1869)
- an important illustrated book on microscopy applied to natural science (Buonanni, 1703)

We invite you to learn more about our selection in the catalogue Eurêka

posted by  Vivian at  17:45 | comments [0]

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