The Day of Sant Jordi
On April the 23rd, with spring still fresh on the trees and on the spirit of the people of Barcelona, the city blossomed with roses one more time. But not all the petals were red on the streets. Many of them were sheets of books that once every year leave the confinement of bookstores and see the sun.

Most of them are new releases printed for this special day when people traditionally give books for a present. However in a corner of Rambla de Catalunya a stand full of antiquarian books drew the attention of passers-by, tired of so many new books. For them Comellas Bookstore was an interesting contrast, a relief for eyes and hands that reviewed old covers and faded pages with a sensitivity perhaps strange to them in any other day. More than anything we would like to remark and even thank the interest and curiosity we found on the faces of the youngest ones, those who stopped by to look, touch and even smell some books that we, from the other side of the stand, simply love. Thank you.

We would like to share with you some images of our Day of Sant Jordi

posted by  Vivian Campillo at  21:04 | comments [0]

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