"The true inventor of the lightning rod"
While yesterday, June, 15th , some mentioned the anniversary of the night that Benjamin Franklin braved the violent summer storm that struck Philadelphia in order to conduct the famous kite experience, our thoughts went to the French physicist Jacques de Romas (1718-1776), considered by many as the true inventor of the lightning rod!

The detailed account of his experiences and of the controversies related to the paternity of the discovery is to be found in this Mémoire sur les moyens de se garantir de la foudre dans les maisons; suivi d'une lettre sur l'invention du cerf-volant électrique, avec les pièces justificatives de cette même lettre which was printed in Bordeaux at the twilight of Romas’s life, and of which we’d like to present to you a very fine copy!

posted by  Benjamin at  15:44 | comments [2]


posted by   MORE (Th.)
28 Jun 2017 at 17:54
Do I detect a hint of French chauvinism here ?

B. Franklin conducted his kite experiment in 1752, while De Romas conducted his in...1753: how can you call him "the true inventor" ?

Fascinating read anyway !

Best regards

posted by   BENJAMIN
29 Jun 2017 at 16:08
Thank you for your comment !

French chauvinism is not really our thing, but let us face the fact that no one witnessed Franklin's experiment, while De Romas's was "peer-reviewed" !

De Romas's account of the whole controversy appears really solid ! Had he been a better self-publicist, he might have made it to the 100 $US bills ! But as the song goes: "it's all about the Benjamins" !
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