Charles of Habsburg, February, 24th, and the number 5
When one looks into history, there are details and coincidences which defy belief, but which we know you are fond of ! And so are we !
Today, we are especially addressing those of you who have a taste for astrology, numerology, arithmancy... or for the history of the Spanish Golden Age!
This 24th of February, 55th day of the year, marks the anniversary of Charles of Habsburg, better known as Charles V, born in 1500.
Most interestingly, the latter was crowned Emperor Charles, 5th of the name, in the year 1530... on February, 24th ! And what do you say about the fact that the monarch withdrew in favour of his younger brother Ferdinand on... Take a guess... February, 24th, 1558 !
In honour of this extraordinary man, and in order to help you solve the mysteries of these fascinating coincidences, we are pleased to present to you De Statu Religionis et Reipublicae, Carolo Quinto Cesare, Commentarij , a biography of Charles V in the context of the Reform by the historian and diplomat Johannes Sleidanus.

Friends of letters, friends of numbers, please share with us other synchronies and concordances of the sort !

posted by  Benjamin at  17:51 | comments [2]


posted by   PARÉ (A.)
27 Jun 2017 at 21:08
It should be mentioned that Charles V abdicated in favor of his son Philip II, and his younger brother Ferdinand who became King of Spain and Holy Roman Emperor respectively, effectively splitting the Habsburg line. His most significant heir was Philip who ruled over all of the Spanish world possessions which remained considerable for centuries.

posted by   BENJAMIN
29 Jun 2017 at 16:14
Thank you very much for pointing this out, Monsieur Paré ! We really appreciate !
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